Ready to turn your personal experiences into the seeds of compelling middle grade (MG) or young adult (YA) novels?
Discover how to mine your personal experiences to formulate the foundation of your next novel.
Transform Your Memories into Page-Turning FictionThis comprehensive mini-course not only provides you with knowledge, but also empowers you with essential skills to:

  • Understand the essential components of compelling storytelling. By doing this, you'll gain the ability to craft narratives that grab your readers' attention from the first page and hold it until the very end.
  • Balance factual and emotional truth effectively. This will enable you to create narratives that are both authentic and engaging, making your stories more relatable and compelling to readers.
  • Dodge common storytelling pitfalls. This will save you time in the editing process and increase your chances of crafting a successful first draft.
  • Harness your real-life experiences for inspiration. This will ensure your stories are unique and personal, helping you to stand out in a crowded market.
  • Transform personal moments into engaging fiction concepts. This skill is like having a secret weapon, it allows you to create an endless stream of story ideas from your own life experiences.
  • Prepare yourself to write about personal experiences. With this preparation, you'll be able to approach your writing with confidence, knowing you're ready to craft narratives that will resonate with your audience.
  • Reflect on your growth as a writer and plan your next steps. This will ensure you continue to develop your craft, bringing you closer to your goal of becoming a published author.
Bonus: Utilize the 'Mini Blueprint' tool to summarize the key elements of your story. This tool will make the writing process more efficient and enjoyable, allowing you to focus on what you do best: telling your story.

Right now, you're struggling with turning your personal experiences into a fictional narrative. You have a wealth of life experiences, but you're uncertain how to adapt them into a compelling story for today’s middle grade and young adult readers.

Imagine if you had a process to help you select meaningful experiences, change details for fiction, and shift timelines to suit your story. Think about the potential if you had the tools to reinterpret events, create composite characters, and identify the "seeds of truth" that can flourish into a unique narrative.

Start the journey from snapshot to story today!

“Christy’s techniques allowed me to turn a memory into an idea for a middle grade novel. The changes made during the course allowed me to play with the idea and see it as fiction rather than memoir or biography. This allowed a new idea to bloom, but the emotional core of the memory remained.”
Cindy L. Rodriguez, children's book author
This self-led course is for:
  • Aspiring authors who have a wealth of personal experiences they'd like to transform into a compelling narrative for middle-grade or YA novels.
  • Experienced writers looking for a fresh approach to infuse their storytelling with authenticity and relatability.
  • Anyone with a story in their heart, waiting to be told and shared with young readers.
Everyone has a story to tell, and this course is designed to help YOU find and refine yours.
Hey there, I'm Christy!
I’m Christy Yaros, an Author Accelerator–certified book coach and story editor who specializes in guiding writers of middle grade and young adult novels. I've dedicated my career to helping authors like you craft compelling narratives that resonate with young readers.
Over the years, I've found that writers who resist editing often have the same reason: “But this really happened,” they say. They want to share personal experiences with readers, but don’t realize that there is an art to translating those experiences into engaging narratives. Why? Because on their own, those experiences are just moments, devoid of the necessary ingredients that make up a captivating story: a compelling plot, relatable characters, and universal themes that today's young readers can connect with.
That's why I created Snapshot to Story: to help you transform your personal experiences into rich, compelling fiction that resonates with today's young readers—who, by the way, were all born in this century while most of us weren't. (Scary thought, I know!) This course is designed to give you the tools and insights you need to take those moments from your past and transform them into captivating narratives for the next generation of readers.
What we'll cover in this course:
Snapshot to Story is a comprehensive online course designed in three parts, each focusing on a critical aspect of transforming personal experiences into compelling fiction for middle grade and young adult readers.

With engaging lessons, reflective prompts, and practical writing exercises, this course provides everything you need to leverage your memories into narratives that resonate with young readers.
  • Module 1: Storytelling Fundamentals
  • Module 2: Transforming Reality into Fiction
  • Module 3: Reflection and Next Steps
This in-depth course ensures you have the knowledge and tools needed to successfully turn your life experiences into captivating fiction. Each lesson provides new insights and practical exercises that will enhance your storytelling abilities and empower you to write narratives that resonate with your young readers.

Lesson 1.1:
Crafting a Compelling Story: Key Elements
You'll learn about the key elements that make a story compelling, from plot structure to character development, and how they work together to engage young readers.

Lesson 1.2: 
Truth and Facts: Balancing Reality and Fiction
This lesson will help you understand the difference between facts and emotional truth, and how to use both to your advantage in your story.

Lesson 1.3: 
Overcoming Pitfalls: Avoiding Common Mistakes
Learn about common pitfalls that writers face when incorporating personal experiences into their narratives and how to avoid them.

Lesson 1.4: 
Reaping the Benefits: Using Real-Life Experiences as Inspiration
Understand the benefits of drawing on your own life experiences for inspiration and how to use them effectively in your writing.

Lesson 2.1: 
Digging into the Past: Selecting a Meaningful Experience
Get practical guidance on how to choose a meaningful experience to write about, with a particular focus on significant emotions, revealing details, and transformative events.
Lessons 2.2–2.7: 
The Art of Transformation: Five Methods of Turning Real-Life Experiences into Fiction
This lesson introduces five key methods to transform your experiences into compelling narratives. Then Focus on each of the five transformation methods, providing in-depth discussions, examples, and practice exercises for each.

Lesson 3.1: 
Getting Ready: Preparing to Write about Personal Experiences
This lesson helps you prepare for the writing process, discussing key questions to ask yourself before you start writing.

Lesson 3.2: 
Reflective Journey: Understanding Your Storytelling Evolution
Reflect on your journey through the course and how your understanding and skills have developed.

Lesson 3.3: 
Recap and Review: Key Lessons from the Course
A recap of the most important insights from the course, ensuring you are equipped to apply these lessons to your writing.

Lesson 3.4: 
Onwards and Upwards: Your Next Steps as a Storyteller
In the final lesson, you'll receive advice on how to continue improving your storytelling skills at a pace that suits you, helping to make the writing process more manageable and less overwhelming. Plus, you'll receive the BONUS Mini Blueprint tool to assist in planning and drafting your novel, making the process even smoother.
Here's How To Get Started
Step 1: Click the “Buy Now” button to purchase the course.

Step 2: You will receive an email confirmation with course access details.

Step 3: Start learning at your own pace, with lifetime access to the course materials. 

The Snapshot to Story course is entirely self-paced, meaning you can go through the materials and exercises on your own schedule. This gives you the freedom to take your time with each lesson, ensuring you fully grasp the concepts before moving forward.


  • 16 lessons over 3 modules
  • Reflection questions and writing exercises to transform memories into a novel concept
  • BONUS PDF journal of reflections and exercises
  • BONUS Mini Blueprint to get you started on the core elements of the novel you want to write

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