Discover how to mine your personal experiences to formulate the foundation of your next novel.

Enroll in Snapshot to Story today, and you'll receive lifetime access to this comprehensive online course, designed to transform your personal experiences into engaging middle grade or YA novels.

Crafted by an experienced book coach and story editor, this course will provide you with key storytelling fundamentals, techniques to balance factual and emotional truth, ways to avoid common storytelling pitfalls, and methods to convert your own life experiences into compelling fiction.
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Included in this course:

  • 16 lessons over 3 modules
  • Reflection questions and writing exercises to transform memories into a novel concept
  • Glossary of terms
  • PDF Checklist for Fictionalizing Personal Experiences
  • BONUS PDF journal of reflections and exercises
  • BONUS Mini Blueprint to get you started on the core elements of the novel you want to write

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